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Chapter 21

1 Here is the understanding of the many kings expounded in the prophecy of Daniel:
2 According as it hath been written, 'Three kings are standing for Persia, and the fourth (Darius III) doth become far richer than all, and according to his strength by his riches he stirreth up the whole, with the kingdom of Javan (Greece).
3 And a mighty king (Alexander the Great) hath stood, and he hath ruled a great dominion, and hath done according to his will;
4 and according to his standing is his kingdom broken, and divided into the four winds of the heavens (a similitude of the four heads of his host warring), and not to his posterity, nor according for others apart from these.
5 'And a king of the south (the Ptolemaic kingdom) — even of his chief ones — doth become strong, and doth prevail against them, and hath ruled; a great dominion [is] his dominion.
6 'And at the end of years they (the Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt) do join themselves together (in marriage,) and a daughter of the king of the south (Cleopatra) doth come in unto the king of the north (Julius Caesar) to do upright things; and she doth not retain the power of the arm; and he doth not stand, nor his arm; and she is given up, she, and those bringing her in, and her child (Ptolemy Caesar,) and he (Marcus Antonias) who is strengthening her in [these] times.
7 'And stood up from a branch of his (Julius Caesar) roots, [in] his station, and he (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus) cometh in unto the bulkwark, yea, he cometh in unto a stronghold (Alexandria) of the king of the south, and hath wrought against them, and hath done mightily;
8 and also their gods, with their chief ones, with their desirable vessels of silver and gold; into captivity he bringeth Egypt; and he doth stand more years than the king of the north.
9 The narrative continueth to expound many parts of the war between the Ptolemaic kingdom and Rome, turning its account to the first Jewish-Roman War, the Great Revolt;
10 'And strong ones out of him (Rome) stand up, and have polluted the sanctuary, the (last) stronghold, and have turned aside the continual [sacrifice], and appointed the desolating abomination.
11 Hath not the rest been greatly accounted for in the books of Josephus in The Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities with bias exalting his Roman captors, who defiled him with flatteries?
12 'And the king (Constantine) hath done according to his will, and exalteth himself, and magnifieth himself against every god (by the Roman Catholic Church growing from his foundation,)
13 and against the God of gods he speaketh wonderful things, and hath prospered till the indignation hath been completed, for that which hath been determined hath been done.
14 And unto the gods of his fathers (Roman gods) he doth not attend, nor to the desire of women (Aphrodite), yea, to any god he doth not attend, for against all he magnifieth himself.
15 And to the god of strongholds (the false Christ), on his station (Constantinople), he giveth honour, yea, to a god his fathers knew not he giveth honour, with gold, and with silver, and with precious stones, and with desirable things.
16 And he hath dealt in the fortresses of the strongholds (his Church of the Holy Apostles) with a strange god whom he hath acknowledged; he multiplieth [the] honour (of his name,) and hath caused them (New Constantines) to rule over many, and the ground (once a temple to Aphrodite) he apportioneth at a price.
17 And at the time of the end, push himself forward with him (Rome) doth a king of the south (Turk-Ottoman Empire), and storm against him doth a king of the north (Visigoths), with chariot, and with horsemen, and with many ships;
18 And he (Rome) hath come in to the lands, and hath overflowed, and passed over,
19 and hath come in unto the desirable land, and many do stumble, and these (peoples) escape from his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the sons of Ammon.
20 'And he sendeth forth his hand upon the lands, and the land of Egypt is not for an escape;
21 and he hath ruled over treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the desirable things of Egypt, and Lubim and Cushim [are] at his steps.
22 'And reports trouble him (Rome) out of the east (Genghis Khan) and out of the north (Visigoths), and he hath gone forth in great fury to destroy, and to devote many to destruction;
23 and he (Constantine/Mohammed II) planteth tents of his palace between the seas (Istanbul), and the holy desirable mountain (the Dome of the Rock), and hath come unto his end, and there is no helper to him (Rosh-Islam) on the day of Jehovah, The great and fearful. [This verse hath a double spirit].

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